Thursday, August 11, 2011

Thursday: Jon Hole's Pit

I’ve known Chris for about 10 years now. I worked with him very temporarily on an underground Atlanta 'zine a long time ago, it seems like ages ago now. I was happy to see he had started this blog so I asked him if he'd mind me contributing. His only request was it be limited to music. I am pretty sure I can pull something out of my ass besides the album reviews and band interviews I've been doing currently. As you that know me are aware, I can be a little opinionated at times. Just a little. I tend to speak my mind. So with that being said, I am actually at a loss for words here. I don't know what direction to go with this. As I sit and listen to music (weird right?), the only thing I can really come up with is a rebuttal to Chris' slandering of sorts of the new BURY YOU DEAD record, Mosh 'n' Roll.
While it is true that Myke Terry-era BYD, 2008's Bury Your Dead & 2009's It's Nothing Personal, brought about a more 'musical' side of the band, adding more melody and an overall rock 'n' roll vibe, it just could never reach the status they held with Mat Bruso. Myke Terry could write and actually sing. It was a huge departure from what old school BYD fans were used to, let alone liked. The change even was apparent in the way the guys performed and how they dressed. The energy was always there. Now we were looking at the guys wearing white cowboy boots and body suits. Whatever. They were still entertaining. What makes BURY YOUR DEAD is the aggressive simplistic grooves. It’s the anger and the passion of Mat Bruso that moves us. Being an English professor he can’t really express himself the way he'd like to or that he was used to. So to have this outlet is amazing for him and the fans. Regardless, it’s the pissed off chugging riffs and vocals that clearly define BYD. It was never about writing radio hits or ballads. Mosh 'n' Roll is a more than satisfying return to form. This is what would have been the natural progression or evolution, if you will, if Bruso had never left. It is far from a dumbing down or a step backwards. Disappointing? Not so much. If anything, the band becoming a clone of every other metalcore band out there was disappointing. Was it bad? Not in the least. It was a little disheartening though to see these bruisers become a pale flame of themselves. To put it quite simply, if you never were a fan of the Mat Bruso era BYD you won’t appreciate the new record. The problem is that everyone tries to outdo everyone else these days. There's nothing wrong with being short, sweet and straight to the point.
I'm sure this doesn't really change anyone's mind or opinion but I really don't give a fuck. It is what it is.

Welcome to my world people...any suggestions for me on a review or a topic? E-mail me at and put ALOMAO in the Subject bar so I know what it’s for.

Jon Hole

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