Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Review: Psychostick - Space Vampires vs. Zombie Dinosaurs in 3D

Why do I feel like I’m starting all my reviews about bands that have changed line-ups and are putting out another album? That seems to be the standard these days, but I’ll just use it as a way to educate someone about a band they might not know about. So, Psychostick, the comedy/metal/rock band most notably known for the ‘Beer’ song, is finally back with their new record. From my experience, either you like Psychostick or you don’t: there is no in between. Switching from a 5-piece to a 4-piece has not negatively affected the writing, and it’s as sharp as ever. SVvZDi3D (best abbreviation I could come up with) is on point with humorous songs about the internet, concerts, movies, girls, farting, and hate. I wouldn’t say the music improved from the past releases We Couldn’t Think of a Title or Sandwich, but it’s the same head-bobbing metal riffs you expect and love. The comedy interludes on this album are not as good as the other releases, so I guess that’s the one negative I have. Overall, I really enjoy this CD, and recommend picking it up now.

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